13 Ekim 2012 Cumartesi

Why should people use travel agents.

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I will tell you a story. Last week I had a customer who called me Sunday morning about 10 times in a row. I knew that there must be something wrong cause who calls you on Mothers day at 830am...certainly not me.
Well it seems the airline postponed their flight for later that morning..making it impossible to connect to their next plane. If you had booked thru expedia what would they have said...Sorry...nothing I can do..and by the way you will be staying one less night..
He told me he was going to ft lauderdale for the night and then going to Jamaica the next day...what could I do? First I booked him a hotel for one night in Ft Lauderdale and not at a place that would be considered dumps r us. Then I said well did you ask the airline to extend your stay. No one ever asks those questions, including him. I said run, ask, do what you can do..and guess what....my wholesaler had no seats but the airline had two seats left on the plane. So we have gotten him to Ft Lauderdale..We extended the stay..but then what ..He was going to a resort that is always sold out. When you are a professional, it is your job to know who to speak with, how to get stays that don't exist.
I made a few phone calls and got him the extra night extention at no charge.

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