A smile. An encouraging word. A thoughtful gesture. Each day people interact with us, help, and make our day a bit brighter and full. This is especially true in the Writing Community.
Take a second to think about writers you know, like the critique partner who works with you to improve your manuscript. The writing friend who listens, supports and keeps you strong when times are tough. The author who generously offers council, advice and inspiration when asked.
So many people take the time to make us feel special, don't they? They comment on our blogs, re-tweet our posts, chat with us on forums and wish us Happy Birthday on Facebook.
Kindness ROCKS!
To commemorate the release of their book The Emotion Thesaurus, Becca and Angela at The Bookshelf Muse are hosting a TITANIC Random Act Of Kindness BLITZ. And because I think KINDNESS is contagious, I'm participating too!
Choosing one person to celebrate today was hard. So many people in blogland have done kind things for me. I have more than two hands full of people who critique for me or come to the rescue when I have a question. So I dug deep and thought about something more than what they did for me... Do you remember a few months ago I did a post about my talented niece, Bethany? Well the person I am celebrating today, has done something wonderful for my niece. She has given her a shot to illustrate a story for her magazine. More than that she has helped my niece see what a gift she has given her confidence and a direction for the future. With that being said I'd like to introduce you to Donna McDine.

Do you know someone special that you'd like to randomly acknowledge? Don't be shy--come join us and celebrate! Send them an email, give them a shout out, or show your appreciation in another way. Kindness makes the world go round. :)
Becca and Angela have a special RAOK gift waiting for you as well, so hop on over to The Bookshelf Muse to pick it up.
Have you ever participated in or been the recipient of a Random Act Of Kindness? Let me know in the comments!
If you leave a comment you'll be entered in a contest for some random things....journals, puzzle books, and office supplies. I'll announce the winners on Thursday. :)
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