19 Şubat 2013 Salı

Janna Bowman...Art Extraordinaire...Giveaway

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 This is my friend Janna Bowman.  She is a wicked cool artist and I wanted to share some of her work with you.  She makes the most amazing things out of glass and she's one of my childhood friends.

 Isn't this necklace beautiful?

 How cool are these peace pendants?

 I'm telling you the girl has skills!

 She does the most fantastic mosaics!

So my wicked cool, talented, friend has a treat for you....She is going to give away this beautiful necklace to one lucky commenter. 

 All you have to do is hop over to Janna's Etsy site to check out her other art
 & hop back and leave a comment here.

I'll announce the winner on March 7th. (I certainly don't mind if you tweet or share on Facebook.)
Don't you love it when you can share a friend's talents with other friends?

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