“In 2008, we supplied a rear-screen projection edge-blended system with Christie projectors,” explains Electrosonic Systems Consultant Pete Rajcula. “We have an ongoing relationship with The Weather Channel, and when they were looking for a new alternative to the blended system, we suggested Christie’s LED-illuminated DLP cubes, which offer extremely long lamp life, rich color and easy maintenance.”
Rajcula notes that while the former system was state-of-the-art at the time, LED-illuminated cubes have now reached maturity in the market, allowing the Weather Channel to reap the benefits of the technology.
The Christie® Entero™ LED was the first high resolution LED-based display cube introduced for the control room market. Using solid state illumination, the Entero™ LED display cubes feature vivid, wide color gamut performance – with no lamps to replace, no moving parts, and no consumables.
The installation was challenged by the need to do the work on a fully functioning set. Electrosonic installed the wall’s pedestal and cubes, adjusted the geometry and color balanced the screens to match the studio lighting.
“We’re extremely happy with the video wall,” reports The Weather Channel’s broadcast engineer Travis Warner.
The video wall is designed in a 2x6 configuration with dimensions measuring 26.9 feet wide by 6.8 feet high. A three-output Vista Spyder image processor drives a trio of 1-in/4-out distribution amps. Each of the DAs, in turn, drives one of three 2x2 sections of the wall. The video wall does its own processing of each 2x2 section, creating one large dynamic image across the display.
Andy Borum was Electrosonic’s project manager for the installation. “Everything went smoothly even though the studio was in use,” he reports. “The Weather Channel was prepared for our arrival, so we were able to build the wall and make the initial tweaks without disrupting on-air production.”
Learn more about Electrosonic. Visit http://www.electrosonic.com
About Electrosonic
Electrosonic is an international audio-visual company that creates tailored, state-of-the-art solutions for a wide range of markets including theme parks, museums, control rooms, and corporate meeting rooms. Since its founding in 1964, Electrosonic has built a strong reputation for working on complex projects, both large and small, and has developed lasting partnerships with customers and suppliers. Beyond complete integrated systems, Electrosonic provides a comprehensive scope of services including technical design, projector lamp sales, maintenance and operational support.
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